Please complete this contract to attend the upcoming 10-Day Human Behavioral Retreat:
Marrakech | February 15-24, 2025
Click the button below to start your application.
Question 1 of 11
First Name, Middle Initial and Last Name
Question 2 of 11
Date of Birth
Question 3 of 11
Email Address
Question 4 of 11
Phone Number
Question 5 of 11
Full Address (including ZIP or Postal Code)
Question 6 of 11
Have you attended Human Behavioral Class with Candace?
Yes I have.
No, I haven't managed to make one yet.
Question 7 of 11
The investment for this retreat is $8,000 + a $500 Late Registration fee. Please confirm your understanding and agreement to pay this amount in-full prior to this Retreat in order to attend by writing "I AGREE" in the text box below. This will act as a binding legal contract.
Question 8 of 11
Please indicate your preferred payment option.
Please note: Your payment must be received in-full one month prior to the retreat start date.
Pay In-Full = $8,300 (save $200 with a pay in full bonus)
3 Month Payment Plan = $2,834 USD per month for three months.
Question 9 of 11
Please provide your credit card number, expiration date, CVC code, and zip code:
Question 10 of 11
Please confirm your understanding that upon submission of this contract, your initial payment (as indicated above) is due upon receipt and that all payments are non-refundable.
Yes, I understand.
I can't make the initial payment right now. *If this is the case, your application will not process until after you've had a conversation with our financial department.
Question 11 of 11
Please confirm your understanding that coming to this retreat held in Marrakech is your responsibility and if you are unable to attend the retreat for any reason, all payments are still due in-full and are non-refundable.
Yes, I understand and agree.
I cannot make this agreement at this time.